Forcing Transgenderism on Kids | with Matt Reynolds
The goal is to shine light on a dark, controversial topic that everyone, especially Christians, need to stop tip-toeing around because what is happening to our kids is dangerous and children are God’s most precious commodity.
From Psychedelics & Depravity to a New Life in Christ | with Joshua Zatkoff
Before knowing God, Joshua was a heavy drug user which landed him in unfortunate situations such as incarceration, rehabilitation centers, homelessness and even instances of overdose that left him on the brink of death.
The Music Industry is Satanic
We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
1 John 5:19
The devil rules the world and the world controls the music.
It’s quite simple. Control the music = control the masses.
Importance of Nuclear Family Unit & Embracing Biblical Womanhood | with Alyssa Rosario
We encourage women to submit to Christ and thus embrace the true integrity of womanhood rather than cheap thrills of feminism.
New Age Spirituality is a Lie from the Devil | with Doreen Virtue
If you are someone who practices oracle, you likely have one of Doreen Virtue’s old ‘angel card’ decks. If that’s the case, you should throw it in the trash because you aren’t talking to angels — you’re talking to demons.
Law of Attraction is a Trap | with Amber Jeckovich
Amber was saved from the New Age Movement like I was, but before Christ she was particularly deep into LOA work after watching someone close to her manifest a specific relationship. She used LOA frequently, from manifesting $1,000 to winning a free trip… all things that sound so incredible, yet the truth is, LOA is based in occultism and does not come from God.
Depression & Anxiety in the Christian Experience
The fact is, we are born of flesh in a fallen world and although we are born again in the spirit of Christ, no longer OF this world, we are indeed still IN this world and therefore will inevitably experience negative emotion. Being a follower of God does not excuse us of pain, nor does it indicate any disfavor of us on God’s end.
There’s a God-Shaped Hole in All of Us | with Naela Rose
Naela is an ex-occultist with a background in womb worship, menstrual magic, psychic mediumship, yoga and goddess work both personally and professionally before Jesus saved her from the deception she was living in.
Divine Feminine is NOT Divine | with Jessica Torres
Women want to live by their own rules, with no sense of order or structure, because it feels good to our flesh and to our ego when we lack discipline or obedience.
Sin, Suffering and Salvation
Although God does not promise us an easy life, He does indeed promise us eternal life. Romans 8:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
My Journey from New Age Deception to Jesus
I didn’t understand why people who loved Jesus so much made it a point to let everyone else know. But it truly is one of those IYKYK things because… if you know, you know.